Thursday, April 26, 2007

HGRA Parent Guidelines: The Minor leagues

The HGRA Schedule page includes a link to the Minor League Parent Guidelines (pdf). It's a one page document and it's very well done.

The key section is a list of how parents can help:
• Supervise the players on the bench and announce the batting order for the kids during the games;
Coach first or third base;
• Create & distribute a team roster with names, numbers, parents’ names, treat schedule, etc.;
• Bring a jug of water and paper cups on hot days - those who forgot will appreciate you;
• Keep a first aid kit (or at least some bandaids) in the car, just in case someone skins a knee;
Sign up for one night of post-game treats. They are a tradition in HGRA. Your coach or a volunteer will
usually set up a schedule. Juice boxes, cookies, cookies or popsicles are a few suggestions. Bring enough
so brothers and sisters can have some too;
Write your child’s name on your child’s cap and glove. This will help you get them back when they are
left behind and picked up by a parent, coach or visitor;
• Remember that we are all trying our best - if your child has not batted first yet, or played 1st base, it is
probably just an oversight. A quick, friendly word to the coach is all that is needed.
Indelible laundry markers work best for writing names on gear and caps.