Sunday, July 03, 2011
Saturday, July 25, 2009
BeeHawks win final game over the Buckeyes 7-5

Friday, July 24, 2009
Game saturday
See you there!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Bees get 8 runs, Saturday game 11am at Homecroft East
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Bees games Thursday and Saturday – we have a plan (and Fall Ball!)
We had a terrific scrimmage and team party yesterday. I’m happy to say that my ankle is recovering from my son Tim’s 100mph fastball.
After the scrimmage we were concerned about having enough players for Thursday and Saturday.
It’s still close and I’m working on getting confirmation from one family, but I think we’ll be good for our big Thursday game. Jesper Selverda will be coming up from the Minors to help us out. We will have opportunities for pitchers!
If we lose on Thursday we play 11am on Saturday and Commissioner Merley will find players for us from the teams lose earlier in the day.
If we win on Thursday we’ll be scrambling to find players for Saturday morning and Commissioner Merley will help us with that.
The player positions web page has the latest summary of who we think will be available on each day.
So we expect to have some fun opportunities for our Bees players on Thursday and Saturday. On Saturday Free Davanni's pizza and drinks will be available for lunch, courtesy of HGRA Baseball.
I think we can be considered underdogs, so everyone should aim to have fun and not worry about making mistakes. In other words, swing and go for the ball!
Lastly, we’re staring Fall Ball in September, registration is online after 7/23:
... HGRA Fall Baseball is on deck. The league is open to anyone with a date of birth between 9-1-96 and 8-31-00. We start on Sept. 13, at 1:00 and will play every Sunday at that time until the weather stops us. If we get enough players, a team might get to play a double header or two.
There are no practices - just games on Sundays. All games are at the Homecroft School fields on Edgcumbe and Sheridan Rd.
Starting Thursday, July 23, you can register online for Fall Ball. Just follow the directions listed on our home page. Then show up at Homecroft on Sept. 13 at 1:00 ready to play...